Are you overwhelmed because you are managing “all the things” in your business?

I support successful Life + Mindset coaches by managing their business operations and their team, so they can focus on growing their business.

Hi, I'm Angie,

You have built and created your own successful business and that is a huge accomplishment, but now you’re stuck managing all of it, and it’s overwhelming;  it is taking up precious time!

As women we tend to want to do it all, but there comes a point where it’s just not possible.

That is where I come in.  Supporting you in your business, I will remove your overwhelm by overseeing all the tasks and projects.

Not only will you have more free time to grow your business, but you will also have more time for yourself!


I am inspired by amazing women entrepreneurs and I love helping them manage their busy and successful businesses.

You can focus on optimizing your business goals and I will oversee your business operations!  

Let’s get on a free call to discuss eliminating your overwhelm!!

Online Business Management

Working alongside a trusted and reliable business manager, not only frees up your busy days, it allows you to focus on new business opportunities. 

Jen Shea - Clarity Brand Coach

I love being a Solopreneur but I couldn’t do that without YOU!! Honestly, I don’t know how I could have done what I’ve done over the past 18 months without all your hard work, dedication, AND support!! You are a gem and I’d be lost without you!! You ARE my business bestie!”

Susan Mershon

“If you’re looking for someone who is a reliable, proactive team player then Angie is who you need. She is ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help you succeed. She is always willing to learn new tasks even the yucky stuff. I can’t recommend her enough not only for the work she does but for what she brings to the team. Hire her – you won’t regret it!”

J. Javelle - Grace Pour

“Angie you’ve been a lifesaver and a great support to me and my business, not sure how I would have made it without you!


Eve Earley - Empowering Change

It was a delightful reminder of your support – which may seem minor from your end – but the impact is huge. You’ve been holding up the progress that 30 months of building a new way of work for me – gains that might have otherwise slipped away.”

Kim Rocheford

“Angie became my go-to person for special projects, letters, proofreading, and website input. She has a positive attitude and eagerness to learn. She is well-liked and respected by the people she works with. I highly recommend her and I know I can trust her to keep things confidential, get the job done on time, and provide quality work.”

Everyday is a new beginning to create the life you want and enjoy all that you have!

Schedule A Complimentary Call

If you are looking for help managing your business in hopes of creating a better work-life balance - let's chat.

Angie Libby